They used a regular tree and cut it down to be a straight pole – then added staples for hand and foot holds. The kids climbed up to the top, stood on it and then jumped to a trapeze. Some of them climbed like monkeys and some took a little more time. It was fun to watch and take pictures. I tried to find the X-Vines (another element) but I had no idea where I was going so I came back down for lunch.
We had a cookout by the covered wagons for lunch. I could have eaten 10 burgers but I limited myself to one. I figured this was as good a place as any to lose the weight I gained at Leigh Anne’s over the weekend. After lunch I headed up to the climbing wall. I managed to find the right path this time but it was one heck of a hike! These kids (& certainly the counselors) are in good shape! One group was just finishing so I stuck around and got the second group pictured. It is a 65’ climbing wall and most of them made it all the way to the top. It did not look fun to me but they seemed to enjoy it. One girl even tried the more difficult side – I was impressed. The four wheeler came by just as I finished and I caught a ride back down to where the path to X-Vines starts so I had better direction. I managed to find them and watched the 3rd & 4th grade boys walk across a tightrope wire with a few hanging ropes to hold on to. It was cool! I like how they have each element in a different location around the camp so several groups can be using them at the same time.
When I finished, I came back down to the house and was in the process of cleaning out my car when Steve came by and said they were taking me out to dinner. My best friend, Nate, was making me special chicken wings but I couldn’t pass up a dinner out! We went to Ruby Tuesdays and had a good visit. After dinner, I managed to get connected with my laptop so I caught up on some emails just in time to go to evening vespers.
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