Friday, September 05, 2008

Off to Phoenix

Sadly, I do not have any pictures for today but the only thing worth remembering is the evening. I woke up at 4am with the worst Meneire's attack of my life - or at least that I can remember! I was afraid my toes were soon going to come out my mouth but they didn't. I threw up violently until about 6:30. Poor Diana was kind enough to take good care of me. She'd had a little experience with it when we went to San Antonio but she definitely got first hand experience this time. I have a handful of friends who have been there for me at my worst and let me tell you, you know you have a quality friend when they stand by you through something like that. I managed to fall asleep until about 9:30. I felt like I had been run over by a Mack truck but I knew I really needed to get on the road. I slowly pulled myself together and managed to hit the road about 10:30am. Gradually, I began to feel better and I only stopped once for gas in Blythe, CA which is about half way between LA & Phoenix. I was amazed when I stepped out of the car to the hottest temperature I had experienced in my three months of travel. OMG!! It is HOT here! I stopped long enough to make a PB&J and get a soda in the gas station before jumping in my car and appreciating the air conditioner! This is definitely the desert! I arrived in Phoenix about 6pm and had a wonderful evening with my aunt, uncle and cousins. Jan fixed a delicious dinner of fried chicken (with no salt) and other delicious low-sodium foods. It was fabulous! I'm sad that I forgot to take any pictures but you'll have to wait and see them tomorrow. For now, I am very glad to be in Phoenix and enjoying some family time.

1 comment:

Jo Hilton said...

scott and I agree that it was probably the swim in the ocean that put you over the edge! Sorry you had to experience that... next time just admire the ocean from afar! or from the beach! :) love you!