I stopped by my church this morning to do some organizing of my ipod (which I can only do from my church computer) and despite the fact that I tried to sneak in and out without being seen, I ran into some of the youth who were preparing their mission report for the next day. It was so good to see them! I don't think I even realized how much I missed them until I saw them - and it really got me excited about coming back to work. Despite the fact that I am having the time of my life on this journey, I think I will be ready to return to life as usual - but not for another month! :)

I had an enjoyable flight to Seattle. I sat next to a young man (about 14) who was returning home to the Seattle area and was telling me about all the places we passed as we flew over Washington. He is going to hike Mount Ranier with his boy scout troop next week. How awesome!

As we landed we had a great view of the shadow of our plane. It was so cool - I just thought I'd include it in my blog. :)
Mom and dad were there to greet me at the airport. I truly understand the saying "home is where the heart is" because regardless of where my parents are living, I always feel like I'm coming home when I come to visit them.
We spent the evening watching Rick Warren's forum at Saddleback Church with Presidential candidates, Obama and McClain and for someone who would rather watch the Golden Girls than anything political, I found it educational and informative. I thought both candidates did an excellent job of answering the questions and I felt like I understood them both a whole lot better. Honestly, I think either one of them would make a great president - they bring very different strengths to the position. It will be an interesting election!
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