Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Raleigh to Winston-Salem

It was a gorgeous morning today! We hung out on the Dieth's back deck visiting, drinking coffee and catching up on computer stuff. Danny and Vickie have two very adorable little girls.

Hannah is five and a half and will be starting kindergarten next week.

Abby is 17 months and growing fast!

We had the joyous pleasure of meeting the newly elected Vice-Moderator of the Presbyterian Church (USA) for coffee at the local Starbucks. It was good to see that his new stardom had not gone to his head - he was the same loveable Byron that we have known since we were students at PSCE.

We had a great visit over coffee which turned in to lunch and Byron introduced Diana and me to a great restaurant called the Twisted Fork.

Thanks to the wonders of technology my friend, Sarah, read on my facebook status that I was in Raleigh and called to say that she and her husband, Craig, had just arrived in Raleigh yesterday! Sarah will be the new Director of Children's Ministry at FPC. We stopped by to see their new home on our way out of town. It was a brief visit but so good to see both of them!

We finally made it to Winston-Salem about 6pm and my wonderful friend, Heather, was waiting for us on her porch. She took us to the West End Cafe where we had a great meal and an even great time catching up on each other's lives!
After dinner we walked down the street to Prada's for gelato. They were closed but we stood in the door with our puppy dog faces and the owner was kind enough to open up and give us some gelato. It was yummy! We enjoyed the walk and Heather took us by her church and gave us a tour. They have done some fabulous decorating for their children's classrooms.
It was another wonderful day! I feel so blessed to be on this journey and I have decided that my main focus is to reconnect with people who have been a part of my journey to this point - from elementary school to my most recent years with a few new friends thrown into the mix. I'm not sure what I am supposed to learn or glean from this experience but I pray that God will make it known.

1 comment:

Jo Hilton said...

you're doing a great job with keeping us current on your travels! The photos are great and your commentary is wonderful! I'm so happy to know where you're at and who you're seeing! Glad you got to see Sarah! :)